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The Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy awards trailblazers.


The Peterson family and Hoplin Jackson partnered to find bold ideas and nonprofits that honor the touchstone concepts of liberty, equality, and justice.

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Peterson Dream + Hoplin Jackson Know-How = Innovative Philanthropy

We’ve partnered with The Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy to identify and support U.S.-based nonprofit organizations with bold ideas that enhance the human condition while honoring the touchstone concepts of liberty, equality, and justice. The $250,000 Prize is payable over three years. This Prize seeks to provide an infusion of capital at a critical time, enabling exceptional leaders with a clear vision to fuel innovation and problem-solving. The Peterson family strongly believes in the power of the free market system, an individual’s freedom to pursue his/her own ambitions, a limited federal government, and the value of education, among other key principles.

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Deadline: June 1, 2025

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About the Peterson Prize

The $250,000 Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy was launched in 2019 to honor Greg Peterson’s core principles in business and to advance his long-standing legacy of philanthropy. Peterson was a pioneer in the field of venture capital. In 1961, the San Francisco native co-founded Sutter Hill Co., one of the first venture capital firms on the West Coast.

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We have found true partners in our desire to apply our dad’s business principles to our philanthropic pursuits. Hoplin Jackson listened intently, embraced our idea, and gave it legs. They are walking alongside our whole family now, customizing our approach and empowering us to make the difference we desire.
— Eric Peterson, Hoplin Jackson Client, PETERSON FUND AT FIDELITY CHARITABLE
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