Announcing the Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy

Gregor G. Peterson, a Californian, was a pioneer in the field of venture capital. He was a champion of entrepreneurs and start-up companies with a keen eye for opportunities where others saw risk. He went on to lecture at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, where he taught the course New Enterprise Management. Gregor G. Peterson valued integrity, honesty, hard work, common sense, and innovation. Now, the Peterson family wants to advance Gregor G. Peterson’s core principles and legacy in the philanthropic sector by awarding an annual $250,000 prize to a promising venture-like nonprofit start-up with an innovative approach to solving a pressing social problem.


The Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy recognizes and supports an early-stage nonprofit with a grant of $250,000, payable over three years. This Prize seeks to provide an infusion of capital at a critical time, enabling leadership to prioritize building the organization and its infrastructure for long-term viability.

The Peterson Family has engaged Hoplin Jackson Charitable Advisors LLC to help evaluate nominees and to perform due diligence on the applicants. Once a nonprofit is nominated, its first line of communication will be with Hoplin Jackson.


Type: 501(c)3 organizations in good standing

Age: Only nonprofits or their newly launched projects which incorporated or

launched less than five years ago

Geography: No limitations

Vision: Innovation (a great idea!), leadership, and mission will be prioritized

Values: Limited government, patriotism, freedom, self-reliance, and education

Deadline: September 15, 2019

To Apply: Submit the nomination form (pdf link to the right) to Hoplin Jackson. Nomination Form

The first winner of the Gregor G. Peterson Prize in Venture Philanthropy will be announced at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) 2019 States & National Policy Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona, between December 4 and 6, 2019.

Visit for more information.

Nicole Hoplin